Free With Me Everything Is Possible

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Book Details :
Published on: 2015-06-06
Released on: 2015-06-06
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Although we can all agree - that is, if we are of a faith-based temperament - that our Creator is the molder of our destiny, and it is through Him that all things are possible and this thought should be encouraged in our daily endeavors, it should also be acknowledged as well that great, indisputably, though His charities are acknowledged to be, it is nevertheless equally obvious that we must necessarily be the active agents of our own wellbeing and well-doing, and that, however many talents and skills and however much intelligence our Creator has bestowed upon us, it is up to us, in the end, to nurture these abilities into a shining destiny. It is up to us in the very nature of things to be our own best helpers - hence, the title: With Me Everything Is Possible. This title is not an attempt to state the obvious; that, without the Creator as our guiding light, our way will be perpetually obscured. It is to suggest, however, that if He gives us Napoleon’s bravery, Newton’s ingenuity, Mandela’s perseverance, King’s tolerance, Plato’s brain, Teresa’s heart, Shakespeare’s imagination and Obama’s eloquence, and we sit idly with these qualities, it will be impossible for us to reach the summit of our ambitions. There are no earthly or heavenly powers that can make us successful without our being an active agent in such success. If we claim any measure of accomplishment without any effort on our part, at best, we will only be a representative of fraud and self-deception. Therefore, I set out to write a motivational book. I felt a moral obligation to lend a few words of hope to those trapped amidst the dark vista of loneliness, to those whose nights seem like an everlasting monument of darkness, to those who, owing to the difficulties of life, fled to the pit of hopelessness and burned the draw-ladder. Clearly, we are living in difficult times. Uncertainty lingers everywhere. Many of us are facing great challenges and have given up on mortal life. Many of us are watching helplessly as our greatest dreams fade to extinction like the mocking echoes of long-departed youth. Joblessness is frightening. It seems as if we have greater luck in finding diamonds than employment. Thus, we suffer from low spirit and lack of worth and will. This book, I hope, will encourage you, and help you to redeem hope, purpose, peace, happiness and prosperity. I pray that the thoughts and quotations in which I myself have found comfort may be of use to you as well. Perhaps they can breathe you back to life.Another purpose of this book is to prompt you to take a careful note of the activities of your daily living - your methods of work, habits of thought, and modes of recreation. Are you making the absolute best of life No matter what our current situation, life can still be fruitful and inspiring. We all have a great and definite cause to serve. To serve this inescapable cause, we have to be passionate, self-sacrificing and gallant, always moving forward with an incurable outbreak of optimism and hope.A third intention of this book is to help you to bring your brightest characters into expression and to help you to combat the deadliest of adversities on your route through life. It contains a fleet of rich and glowing words which I hope will build your esteem, confidence, affection and morality, so that you can live peacefully and purposefully in thought, utterance and action. Conscious Hugs Everything We Know Is WRONG Over the past couple of weeks Ive run across the word Rubicon a good number of times right down to the title of last weeks The 100 episode. OriginClub - russian brides dating mail order brides ... OriginClub unites lonely hearts Millions of lonely hearts all over the world are looking for each other right now! Total members 44907 - Official site includes links to services available online Governor state agencies Legislature US Congressional delegation state parks and tax ... WICKED The Musical Official Site The ONLY official source for WICKED ticket & show information. The best seat locations at the best prices. xkcd: Python Prev; Random; Next Permanent link to this comic: Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): Questions & Answers. Find the Answer to your Question. Answers to Questions from People Who Know at Ask Experience Project. Find the Answer to your Question. God's Gospel Free Gospel MIDI - MIDIs A - Z NAME: COMPOSER / ARRANGER: SEQUENCER: 99 And 1/2 Won't Do v. 1 : 99 And 1/2 Won't Do v. 2 (sax lead) A Living Testimony Everything By Everyone One fine day I answered the phone It was my girlfriend inviting me to her home Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About BIPOLAR ... Bipolar depression disrupts and devastates lives and tends to dominate the course of a persons illness. Yet its still difficult to diagnose and treat. It is ... Android And Me Android and Me covers all the latest Android news phone launches app reviews software updates Android hacks and phone accessories.
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